Rapa Nui is a special territory therefore to enter you must present the following documents at Arturo Benitez Airport:
Review of identity documents by LATAM at the time of Check In.
Complete the following form 24 hours before the flight https://ingresorapanui. interior.gob.cl/
Present at the immigration control the reservation voucher of the hotel, which includes our Registration Code in Sernatur 537
Also, to enter to the Rapa Nui National Park you must:
Buy the ticket to enter into the park https://www.rapanuinationalpark.com/pages/comunidad
Visit the points of interest within the park with a Tour Operator or certified local guide.
Por último para llegar a Nuestro Hotel, puedes revisar las siguientes opciones:
We're coming for you! Don't worry on arrival, we pick you up at Mataveri International Airport with fresh flower necklaces.
*Consultation for transfer values, they are not included in the reservation